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Picture of Tom Crick

Tom Crick

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Tom is a senior lecturer in Computing Science and director of undergraduate studies at Cardiff Metropolitan University. He is the Nesta Data Science Fellow, a 2014 Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute and a 2014 HEA National Teaching Fellow for his work in computer science education.

In 2013, Tom chaired the Welsh Government’s review of the ICT curriculum and is currently leading the development of a new cross-curricula digital competence framework. He currently sits on the UK Forum for Computing Education (led by the Royal Academy of Engineering), the Welsh Government’s National Digital Learning Council, as well as the National Assembly for Wales Cross-Party Group on Science & Technology.

More recently, he has been part of the UK Digital Skills Task Force, to identify practical solutions to enable UK industry to meet the digital skills gap and has previously advised the Office of the Chief Scientific Adviser and Science Advisory Council for Wales. He is a trustee of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT and the British Science Association, and sits on the board of directors of the Campaign for Science & Engineering, the leading independent advocate for science and engineering in the UK.

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