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Trusted by teachers since 2012

Picture of Sarah Neild

Sarah Neild

So Into It

Sarah Neild is an award-winning teacher with experience of inspiring schools with many creative uses of ICT.

Sarah was awarded Advance Skills Teacher status in 2003 being described as an ‘exceptional teacher… teaching of the highest calibre, particularly in her dynamic use of ICT’. In 2004, Sarah was a finalist in Becta’s ICT in Practice Awards, where she was described as ‘an evangelist’ in her use of ICT.

Sarah was chosen as a Beacon School Teacher in a primary in the North West of England. She provided demonstration lessons in the use of ICT across the curriculum and supported colleagues, both in her own school and beyond, in developing their ICT skills.

As part of her local authority’s ‘Hands on Support’ team, Sarah guided many schools in their development of ICT. She has presented at BETT on the use of interactive technologies and worked with teacher training colleges to bring learning alive.

Since 2008, Sarah has worked alongside Tim Rylands, developing imaginative ways of using ICT to enhance learning in schools across the country, and beyond.

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