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ICT for Education Salford Conference 2024
Picture of Rebecca Bollands

Rebecca Bollands

Coventry Robotics Hub

Rebecca has been a teacher and senior leader in Coventry schools for over 20 years. She has got a keen interest in STEM subjects, especially promoting STEM subjects to underrepresented groups. Rebecca has been a Scientix Ambassador in the UK. She led an Erasmus STEM project to share good practice and upskill teachers in 6 schools across Europe. She has piloted materials for the ASE and has been the recipient of funding for National Science Week for a project to promote digital science learning.

Over the past 10 years Rebecca has been involved in robotics education and has implemented First Lego League programmes in Coventry schools. She has participated in the VEX robotics programme, taking teams of primary school children to both the UK finals and also to the World Championships in Kentucky, USA. In 2019, Rebecca was awarded VEX UK Robotics Teacher of the Year for her part in developing robotics in Coventry schools.

Most recently Rebecca has taken the lead on developing the Coventry Robotics Hub which was funded by the IET. The hub is an open-access robotics lab that schools can use to support robotics education.

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