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Picture of Prof Paul Curzon

Prof Paul Curzon

Professor of Computer Science in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London.

Professor of Computer Science in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London. Creator and editor, with Peter McOwan of the EPSRC funded magazine and webzine cs4fn: an initiative to bring computer science research to schools and promote the fun side of the subject.
Alongside William Marsh, Paul is a Director of Teaching London Computing supporting teachers across the UK to deliver the new computing curriculum from primary school upwards. A project with King’s College London and funded by the Mayor of London and Department of Education.

In 2010 Paul was made a National Teaching Fellow by the Higher Education Academy. The most prestigious award for teaching in the UK. Also shortlisted for the 2009 Times Higher Education Most Innovative Teacher of the Year Award. In 2007 winning the PSRC’s “New Computer Science Writer of the Year” Award. In addition to three Queen Mary, University of London Draper’s prizes: two for excellence in teaching (resulting from student nominations) and one for innovation in teaching and learning.Paul was previously a Reader at the School of Computing Science, Middlesex University and convenor of the Interaction Design Centre, Senior Research Associate at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, and a member of the Automated Reasoning Group.

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