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ICT for Education Birmingham Conference 2024
Picture of Prof. Miles Berry

Prof. Miles Berry

Computing Education, University of Roehampton

Professor of Computing Education at the University of Roehampton. Prior to joining Roehampton, he spent 18 years in four schools, much of the time as an ICT coordinator and most recently as a headteacher. His research interests include the pedagogies of computer science education and informal learning. He is a former chair of Naace and continues to serve on its board of management. He is also a member of the management board of Computing At School (CAS) and the UK Forum for Computing Education. He is a fellow of the BCS, RSA and HEA.

Over the years, Miles has contributed to a number of computing related projects including: CAS's computer science curriculum, the national curriculum computing programmes of study, the CAS/Naace guide to the computing curriculum for primary teachers, training of CAS Master Teachers, the Bett award winning Rising Stars Switched on Computing, Barefoot Computing, Code Club Pro's training materials and QuickStart Computing.

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