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Trusted by teachers since 2012

Picture of Niel McLeod

Niel McLeod

Hove Park School, Brighton and Hove

Niel McLeod has worked in English schools for 25 years in a variety of leadership roles up to and including headteacher. He is also a qualified school inspector. Niel is currently the deputy headteacher and business manager at Hove Park School, Brighton and Hove. In 2012, Niel planned and delivered a 1-1 iPad deployment for 1,700 students at Hove Park School as part of a learning transformation project. Hove Park has since attracted international attention as a case study school for the use of iPad technology in improving learning. Niel works alongside Apple’s 1-1 Lighthouse School Leaders in Europe and the Middle East exploring the development of iPads to transform learning for the 21st Century.

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