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ICT for Education Birmingham Conference 2024
Picture of Louise Hayes

Louise Hayes

Computing educator and Associate Lecturer in Business at Manchester Metropolitan University

Louise Hayes is a computing educator and Associate Lecturer in Business at Manchester Metropolitan University where she is passionate about the subject of computing and understands how the subject can help to raise the aspiration of young people and help them in their future careers. She is a Director of an Education Company and is a Professional Development Lead for STEM Education. She started work straight from ‘A’ Levels where she changed her career from BT plc into Secondary School teaching; this was supported by government funding to enable her to further her studies. In her doctorate studies she has written about the issues in education from a gender perspective, the influences of computing classroom environments on girls, and the impact on this in subject uptake and career trajectories of women in tech. A great believer in learning outside of the classroom, she has organised and led a number of school enrichments visits in Europe and USA. As a member of the iFiP TC3 group, she has trained teachers on an international basis, delivering tech workshops to over 70+ teachers in India and computing teaching in Malawi.

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