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Picture of James Fraser

James Fraser

Computing Specialist & Wider Curriculum Leader at Elsley Primary School in Wembley.

James Fraser is a Computing Specialist & Wider Curriculum Leader at Elsley Primary School in Wembley. He has 12 years of experience as a qualified primary teacher, with eight years as a Computing leader. James teaches computing to around 700 children from Early Years to Year 6 and regularly posts exciting lesson ideas and curriculum enrichment using tech on social media and his blog. Under his brand, Eat Sleep ICT Repeat, James also works as a consultant and has delivered INSET training and worked with schools to develop bespoke computing curriculums. He is an Apple Teacher and has presented and sat on discussion panels at EduTech conferences and written articles for EduTech magazines.

Twitter: @EatSleepICTRpt  

Facebook: @EatSleepICTRepeat

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