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Picture of Helen Caldwell

Helen Caldwell

University of Northampton

Helen is a senior lecturer at the University of Northampton, where she is curriculum lead for primary computing in teacher education and programme lead for the postgraduate certificate in primary computing. Her teaching covers the use of technology across primary subjects, implementing the computing curriculum and assistive technologies for SEND. Helen was a member of the Computing in ITT Expert Group and currently sits on the ITTE National Executive Committee. Her research interests include eLearning and social networking in higher education, and computing and digital literacy in primary education. 
Publications include:
Caldwell H. & Cullingford-Agnew, S. (2017 publication pending). Technology for SEND in Primary Schools: A good practice guide. London: Sage.
Caldwell, H. & Smith, N (2016). Computing Unplugged: Exploring primary computing through practical activities away from the computer. London: Sage.
Wise, N. & Caldwell, H. (2016). Help with Homework: Coding Essentials. Chichester: Igloo Books.
Caldwell, H. & Bird, J. (2015).  Teaching with Tablets. London: Sage.
Caldwell, H., Heaton, R., Whewell, E. & Grantham, S. (2015) Switched on iPads Science. London: Rising Stars.
Bird, J., Caldwell, H. & Mayne, P. (2014). Lessons in Teaching Computing in Primary Schools. London: Sage.

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