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Trusted by teachers since 2012

Picture of Debbie Forster

Debbie Forster

Apps for Good

Debbie Forster is the UK managing director of CDI Apps for Good, an award winning education technology movement that helps young people learn to create imaginative mobile apps that change their world, giving them a launchpad in social enterprise and the exciting world of technology, design and innovation. Debbie led the roll out of the programme in the UK, helping the programme to grow from two centres and 50 students in London in 2010 to over 400 centres and over 20,000 young people across the UK from September 2013. Prior to joining CDI, Debbie was head of education at e-skills UK, advising on education policy and strategy, and acting as the organisation’s education spokesperson. Debbie has 20 years of educational experience, teaching in a range of schools in the UK and the US, most recently serving for six years as headteacher in a UK secondary school. She was recently named by Computer Weekly as one of the ‘25 Most Influential Women in UK IT for 2014’.

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