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Dan Leighton

Alexanders College international school

Dan Leighton is the new deputy head at Alexanders College international school. He is the former director of technology at The Grammar School at Leeds and faculty head at Cottenham Academy. Dan is a Google Certified Teacher who specialises in using cloud technology in education. Dan originally trained as a biological anthropologist at the University of Cambridge. In addition to an MA in Archaeology and Anthropology, he holds an MA in Creative Writing.
After a decade in the early internet industry, Dan became a teacher in 2004 and was responsible for installing the first implementation of Google Apps for Education in the UK in 2007. He is also a serious Moodlemeister and is passionately committed to the cause of education and the promotion of effective teaching and learning in schools. A regular speaker at conferences around the UK, Europe and Africa, he is known for his determined focus on evidence-based practice in educational technology

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