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Picture of Chris Sharples

Chris Sharples

Lady Lumley's School

Chris (@gr8ict on twitter) works as head of ICT at Lady Lumley’s School. He and his colleagues are implementing a new KS3 computing curriculum and grappling with introducing Computer Science next year.  As you might expect, digital leaders are an integral part of this strategy. Chris has supported digital leaders for more than four years with Lady Lumley’s School digital leaders speaking at Microsoft, the first Teach-the-Teachers Teachmeet, BETT 2013, BETT 2014 and BETT 2015.

Chris has also helped develop the National Digital Leaders’ Network Blog and is a regular on twitter as @gr8ict and as part of #dlchat on Thursday evenings.  He has worked in partnership with Makewaves, DigitalMe and @curricinnov to develop the free-to-join Digital Leaders Network,, and the earning and awarding of digital leader badges using the DLOpenBadge Framework. A four year diary and comprehensive digital leaders roadmap is available at  Please join in #dlchat on twitter at 9.00-9.30 on Thursday evenings.

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