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ICT for Education’s regional conference programme visits the AJ Bell Stadium
ICT for Education’s regional conference programme visits Villa Park.

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Our publication designed to deliver thought leadership, practical innovation, profiles of leading educational practitioners and more to our community of teaching and education professionals.

Everything you need to know about Computing, the curriculum and the classroom.

We lead with an article from Prof. Miles Berry who discusses how diversity in computing could be addressed. With Allen Tsui reporting on the British Science Association’s Science Week 2024 and the Intelino #Engineuity STEM Challenge.


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Everything you need to know about Computing, the curriculum, and the classroom

This edition of Sapienta leads with an article by Jill Hodges, Head of Amazon Future Engineer UK, who discusses the need for the education system to catch up with the pace of technological change to ensure students can fulfil and enjoy careers of the future.

Followed by Prof. Miles Berry who considers the potential of adaptive, or agile, teaching that accounts for varying levels of prior knowledge based on detailed assessment data. We also hear from Prof. Paul Curzon, who writes about improving lesson plans with sketchy semantic profiles.

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Sapientia Autumn Term 2023

Everything you need to know about Computing, the curriculum and the classroom.

“Engagement in computing” by Professor Miles Berry of the University of Roehampton leads our Autumn issue. Looking at the topic, causes and how this may be improved.

With Master Teacher Tig Williams providing his insights into “Writing an AI Policy for your school.” 

Plus recommended further reading and useful links to ICT for Education events.

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Our publication is designed to deliver thought leadership, practical innovation, profiles of leading educational practitioners and more to our community of teaching and education professionals.

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